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276.Determination of Students’ Self Worth Beliefs
The purpose of this study was to investigate students’self-worth beliefs. The sample consisted of 250 students who enrolled in the science education department in faculty of education of a university in Turkey. Data were collected through self-worth scale (Crocker, Luhtanen, Cooper & Bouvrette, 2003). It was adapted into Turkish by Çetin, Akın and Eroğlu (2011). Descriptive statistics were used. The findings revealed that students' self-worth beliefs were high. Also, descriptive information is given in terms of factors. The mean scores higher than 4 are accepted as higher mean scores whereas the mean scores lower than 2 are accepted as lower mean scores. The highest and lowest mean scores were yielded by ‘god’s love’ (M = 4.36) and ‘approval from others’ (M = 2.64). There are 16 items in 35 that had a mean score above 4.0
huseyin ates
Ahi Evran University
serbay durmaz