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239.Metáforas personales y emocionales del futuro profesorado de Educación Infantil de la especialidad de Ingles
Personal and emotional metaphors of the prospective teachers of English at Early Childhood Education.Raquel Marín Chamorro,Mercedes Gómez Acuñas, María Luisa Bermejo García. Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Extremadura
Personal and emotional metaphors help teachers to reflect upon their concepts and their roles, they give us a global vision of the classroom life and tend bridges between cognition and emotion. As Lakoff and Johnson (1980), p. 198) wrote"metaphors may be fulfilled prophecies ".
In the poster, we present a study in which we analyse personal metaphors proposed by a sample of fourth-year Teacher Training students of the Education Faculty at the University of Extremadura.
Our main objectives are:
a) To classify the metaphors of the sample within the following categories: transmissive behavioural model (on which the student is a passive learner and the teacher transmits the information) cognitive behavioural (on which the student is an active agent and the teacher just facilitates the process, putting more emphasis on the social learning) and metaphors of the self (which have an ego component, whose meaning must be analysed in every case).
b) To analyse the graphic representation of metaphors through drawings.
The qualitative methodological process used to select the sample is based on a random sample consisting of seventeen prospective teachers of early childhood education. The procedure of data collection has been an anonymous questionnaire which, apart from collecting social demographic data, also has open-ended questions on which students have to describe and make a drawing of their metaphors, both in Spanish and English with respect to their concept as teachers.
The results show how, from the forty seven general metaphors described, the largest group is the one that belongs to the behavioural category, followed by the cognitive and self-reference metaphors. We have also found some other metaphors related to basic and social positive and negative emotions.
Key words: metaphors, emotions, early childhood education, teacher training.
Raquel María Marín Chamorro
Universidad de Extremadura
Mercedes Gomez Acuñas
Universidad de Extremadura
María Luisa Bermejo García
Universidad de Extremadura