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II Congresso Internacional Envolvimento dos Alunos na Escola: Perspetivas da Psicologia e Educação 2016

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Mathematics is a science that is inserted in other areas of knowledge, yet it can be approached by many teachers in isolation, and it may cause dissatisfaction in their apprentices. Training courses sometimes do not prepare future professionals enough for proper insertion in the schools and education agencies (SANDMANN, RAMOS and SOUZA, 2013). In order to contribute to the professional development and training of future elementary school teachers, this study aimed to empower the teaching students from a Brazilian public school for the teaching of mathematics in the early grades. The strategies devised for this purpose provided a discussion environment about different methodologies, emphasizing computer use in education through the application of software in mathematics. During the training of future teachers, contents present in the early grades were explored with features of the history of mathematics, mathematics experimentation and mathematical modeling, improving teaching and learning in this science. To this end, two different activities were developed: Support Project for School Learning - learning environment built by the responsible staff; Discussion Group - meetings at which the monitors (academics) of the project and the coordinator were exchanging experiences about the developed activities. The completion of this project had the partnership between the Federal Technological University of Paraná, campus Medianeira and a public high school, in the teaching mode. From the development of this work we determined the immersion of the future teachers in diversified methodologies, which lead to the understanding of knowledge and the creation of tools that could enable the dissemination of knowledge. One can see an increasing participation of those involved and also the minimization of the gap that might exist between structured school knowledge and its relationship to daily life, as well as contribution to better teaching practices.


André Sandmann    
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

André Inácio Melges    
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Shiderlene Vieira de Almeida    
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


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