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186.Job trajectories in university graduates: the role of "School to Work Method", the sococognitive skills and social capital in the labor market
The research main objective is to explain the relationship between the social and cognitive skills in college degrees and the insertion, permanence and separation of the job process within the first 18 months of the degree graduation. The investigation is planned to happen in three phases, the first one was a transversal-descriptive evaluation in which a 100 reactive questionary was used, obtained by variables such as relational capital, anticipatory socialization, vocational guidance, aspirations/expectations, goals, self-efficacy and hopelessness and it was applied to last semester students. The first results show significant negative relationships between hopelessness and self-efficacy. In the second phase an intervention with two groups took place, control and experimental, in this last one the School to Work Method: a workshop based on the socio-cognitive principles of Bandura (1977) was applied, it’s designed to facilitate participants the job incorporation and to prevent the consequences of the loss of it (Vuori & Vinokur, 2005). Of the 185 participants of the first phase, 45 continued in the second phase for the workshop; divided in 3 groups. From this pilot application (initial test), a qualitative analysis was made using three categories: time, instructors ability and content. The third phase of tracing, hasn’t took place yet, although the questionary has been generated already to be answered by the LimeSurvey application; the instrument pretends to obtain information about job insertion, job features, postgraduate studies among others.Author(s):
Javier Ruvalcaba-Coyaso
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Priscila Muñoz-Guzmán
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Amaranta Cárdenas-Granda
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes