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182: Development of Self-Efficay in Primary School teachers through Social and Emotional training programmes
The research aims to analyze the relationship between self-perceived competence dimensions of Primary School teachers and their level of self-efficacy. A sample of N = 40 teachers in Castilla y León, answered two Likert self-rating scales : the ECAD -EP (Valdivieso, Martín- Carbonero & Anton, 2013 ) for the measurement of teaching style with three dimensions (a. Social and Emotional , b. Communicative and Relationship and c. Instructional) and TSES for the assessment of the self-efficacy. The process of data analysis focused on descriptive statistical calculations, bivariate correlation and linear regression. The results showed that Social and Emotional factor has a significant linear correlation (r = .623) with self-efficacy dimension and it explains a 48.90 % of variance. Thus we can say that in the teacher training process is necessary to include emotional skills in order to improve their effectiveness in the teaching.Author(s):
Juan Antonio Valdivieso
Departamento de Psicología. Universidad de Valladolid
Miguel Ángel Carbonero
Departamento de Psicología. Universidad de Valladolid
Luis Jorge Martín
Departamento de Psicología. Universidad de Valladolid